

俚语 neev


Extremely hot 🥵

Very nice

Extremely kind
One of those loyal boyfriend type people

He is extremely caring and always works hard
He is one of the best at studying
He is neev


The greatest name to ever exist, he is hot, handsome and cute at the same time. They have some of the most amazing humour to ever come out of a guy and will never fail to make your day. They are the most loyal type of people and are truly amazing friends. Every girl on the planet wants to date them and they are always true husband material. They always are fair and non-judgemental towards people and are very loving. If you get the lucky chance to date a Neev, never ever ever let them go.

(Also they are great in bed)
Girl 1: WOW! Neev is so sexy
Girl 2: I know right! He is also really kind and caring


A guy who is awsome and is really nice he also is fun and stuff. He is socialy awkward and like to type this jdfsjafhjfhdsahfjhfjahjksfhdjkfhjfhjasjhfjdjsafkhfjskahfjkshafkjhfjkahfjsahfjkhsjfhdafjhfjkasfjhsdajkhfjsadhfjkahsfahfkahfksadhfkafhsjfhjsafhfkjahsfkhfjsafhkdfhkfhajkfhsafjdshfkjhsjfhasjkdfhdkjshfkjsdhfjksdhfjksdfhjsdfhdjskfhasjkfh
Hey look its neev


A very stupid and annoying person
Your so Neev


has a 8 pack
has a dick that rivals skyscrapers
is as hot as the sun is as sexy as a sexy person

very loyal
uwu i love Neev


Da best of all.
He is the smartest and always gets 100% accuracy in exams.
He loves to use electronics but only for an hour a day.
I am Neev!


Da best of all
He is the smartest of them all because he always gets 100% in his exams.He loves to use electronics but only a little bit.

Everyone knows him.

Neev is da best
Neev is very clever like his parents.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:35:51