

俚语 negativist


Someone who stands up for the rights of pessimistic people.

Bill: "Oh my god John is such a pessimist, I really hate him."

Geoffrey: "You need to be quiet, pessimists are freaking amazing."
Did you know: William is a negativist, he believes in the right of pessimistic people.


Person who is consistently NEGATIVE.
Loree, is a negativist. She never has anything positive to say about anything or anyone.

Logical negativist

A person who believes the philosophy that no knowlege is secure.

the main argument is that knowledge is provisional hence people can believe anything they want.
Im a Logical negativist. I can believe what i want, when i want, how i want.


A negativist is someone with Negativistic Personality Disorder. This person somehow turns the most benign situations into one of social tensions and drama, but does so covertly
She a negativist




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