

俚语 negmark


A negative smark. Someone who considers themselves to be a smarter mark (ie. smark), but continuously trashes and whines about the current state of professional wrestling. They are never satisfied with the current product and usually contradict themselves by wishing for something, then immediately turning on the idea, storyline and/or feud as quickly as it happens.
Example 1.

Negmark: "WWE was better in the late 90's with Dx. I wished they'd bring them back".
*WWE brings back Dx as of June 2006*
Negmark: "OMG I can not believe they brought back Dx; How stupid. WWE sucks and are running out of ideas."

Example 2.

Negmark: "I wish SmackDown would get better. It's soooo boring and predictable."
*SmackDown spoilers appear online Tueday night, stupid Negmark reads them instead of awaiting the show to air on Friday and for once, not know who will win prior to watching the program.*


A negative smark. Someone who considers themselves to be a smarter mark (ie. smark), but continuously trashes and whines about the current state of professional wrestling. They are never satisfied with the current product and usually contradict themselves by wishing for something, then immediately turning on the idea, storyline and/or feud as quickly as it happens.
Example 1.

Negmark: "WWE was better in the late 90's with Dx. I wished they'd bring them back".
*WWE brings back Dx as of June 2006*
Negmark: "OMG I can not believe they brought back Dx; How stupid. WWE sucks and are running out of ideas."

Example 2.

Negmark: "I wish SmackDown would get better. It's soooo boring and predictable."
*SmackDown spoilers appear online Tueday night, stupid Negmark reads them instead of awaiting the show to air on Friday and for once, not know who will win prior to watching the program.*




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:10:14