Negro Doyle
A Negro Doyle also known as "watermelon kid" is a sub species of the monkeyius chickenius familia. It stands at a small height of 0.5m and resembles one who lives in the primitive ages. It is easily distinguishable as it is usually found making strange noises and its high pitched voice. Be careful though, when you say a "rude" word, the negro doyle will react by trying to snitch on you but failing, then falling into a high pitched shriek followed by eating 2 pounds of water melon, 5 buckets of NFC (negro fried chicken) chicken. One of the most prominent features that is found on the negro doyle is the dark skin colour in which is holds, by comparing it to a normal human being, anyone can easily tell the significant difference between the two.
Howzas! Watch out! A wild Negro Doyle is coming towards us with a high pitched shriek!