1. A derogatory term for the left end of the political spectrum describing new age communists. The original basis for the term Neocon. 2. Most commonly used on to describe the leftwing wacko fringe. 3. Sometimes spelled as Neocom.
"I wish you Neocomms would think before you spouted your hate-America-first crap." -Flipper the Dolphin
Literally, "neo-communist". See: Democrat.
Hillary Clinton is a neocomm.
1. A derogatory term for the left end of the political spectrum. Based improperly off the term neocon, a legitimate abbreviation for the neo-conservative movement.
2. A word most likely invented by Flipper the Dolphin or CokedUpWerewolf, idiots from
2. A word most likely invented by Flipper the Dolphin or CokedUpWerewolf, idiots from
"Only a few wacko Neocomms think that Bush is a war criminal."
-Flipper the Dolphin
-Flipper the Dolphin