

俚语 neofytos


1. Christian-Orthodox Name (Eastern-EuropeEspecially you can find it on the island of Cyprus)

2. The one who recently sprouted in ecclesiastical terminology, the one who was baptized a Christian. (Αυτός που βλάστησε πρόσφατα και στην εκκλησιαστική ορολογία, αυτός που βαπίστηκε χριστιανός.)

3. Ancient Greek Terminology (νεό + φυτός < φύομαι = New + plant < grow) Νεόφυτος

4. A lot of people is named like this in the City of Pafos and Limassol District.

5. His Holiness - Neophyte, 28th Patriarch of Bulgaria - On 3 August 1975, at the Troyan Monastery, he took monastic vows with the name Neophyte in a ceremony overseen by Patriarch Maxim of Bulgaria

6. Nεοφώτιστος = neo-enlightened

7. The guy that doesn't care for other people's opinion
My name is Neofytos.

Neofyte, Where are you ?
This is Neofyto's car.
Neofytos doesn't care what you think.


incomprehensible kid.
A guy with psycho problems, sometimes he is smart, but mostly SO odd.He thinks he is the best,and “pick-me-up” girls like him so much, but Neofytos can fall in love with the girl he could not believe he would. ~.~
-nawwww,Neofytos stawwwwp…

-My name is Neofytos.


Your mom's favourite person. It's usually the person your mom cheats on your dad for.
You:Who's knocking on the door
Your mom:Oh it's just my Neofytos!




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