

俚语 neosis


A medical condition when your ego inflates and you start to believe you're better than everyone else.

Taken from the term Neon, a person whom has had Neosis since birth.
"Bad news guys, I've come down with a case of Neosis. I'm just so glad I'm better than everyone else with Neosis."


Like or similar to Neo.
*dodges a bullet* Woah! Totally Neosis man!
Damn you and your neosis!

anguritis neosis

coined by ang, in an attempt to define the indefinable. to hit that perfect level of ieffably all right.
(points at ang) well, just LOOK at him

anguritis neosis

the condition of being totally sweet. also, uncontrolable awesomeness.
daaaaamn! that hoopy frood is suffering from an acute case of anguritis neosis.




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