

俚语 nephing


When someone tells a lie or is bullshitting.
Tom B - I’m 6 foot 1
Ellis J - Tom stop nephing


A word used in the Hill District section of Pittsburgh,PA. Its often used as a slang term for "I swear to God" or "on my dead homie's grave". It is a very complicated word with roots of using the word going back to the mid-1990's.
"Say Nephs that one girl got beat up"
"Nephs, I'm takin shorty home wit me tonight"
"Nephs, these broads lookin right"


Loosely meaning "over my dead homie's grave" also used as "for sure". Acronym of the names: Nappy, Eddie, Phil, Harold, and Slick.
Nephs, you ain't gettin' through this door.

Yo, did you just see that?


a sweet girl with a big heart. she always stands up for you, and she never goes down without a fight. a popular girl who could get any guy she wanted, because she’s is beautiful inside and out. never
goes out of style. a crackhead who always brings fun and life to a party. if you wanna go do something spontaneous, do it with nepheli. if you wanna go be crazy, do it with nepheli. if you wanna chill and make brownies, do it with nepheli. you’d be lucky to have a nepheli in your life, and if you don’t, you should definitely get one cause she is one of the best friends you can ever ask for. she’ll make your life a thousand times better and make you feel that way too. if you have a nepheli in your life, don’t be stupid and lose her, cause you’ll regret it.
a guy: damn she fineeeeeeee
another guy: oh she must be a nepheli


"Nephs" means "on my dead homies' grave"
Nephs, those dubs are tight.
I had to kill that foo', nephs.


Term meaning "On my dead homie's grave." Slang emphasizing or questioning the validity of a statement.
Nephs, did you just see that?
Nephs I just gave you 20 bucks.
Nephs those rims are tight.


Some of the Nephs (Dead Homies from the Hill District in Pittsburgh)

Black Boo, Tizzy, D, Ike, Bugaloo, Eddie, Harold, Phil, Delaney, Darius, Rodi Booth, Shitty I (Clarence), Ty Edwards, Kendre (Mad Circle), K-Dog, Dale Williams,
On the Nephs




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更新时间:2024/9/21 2:43:09