

俚语 babed-off

Babe off

A competition of a bunch of retards full of bias challenges to get the babe of their choice.
Are you ready for the babe off this weekend, if I win I'm choosing Dylan
I'm going to win the handstand part of the babe off,
I cant wait to fuck Dylan once I win the babe off
No one going to choose Vinnie if they win the babe off


1.To be babed off one must recieve rejection from a potential or current love interest.
2. To be babed off is to be referred to as babe by a stranger, or someone with whom you are unfamiliar.
Person 1... 'I have groundbreaking news!!'
Person 2... 'what is it??'
Person 1... 'he has just babed me off!!'

Person 1...'Alright, bye babe'
Person 2... 'oh my god I think I just got Babed-off!'




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:59:28