

俚语 netflix hangover

Netflix Hangover

The feeling of lost purpose and desire in life after spending countless hours watching season after season of a television show. Can also be described as a lost sense of reality after spending time invested in that tv show.
Dude I just got the worst Netflix Hangover after watching Prison Break!

Netflix Hangover

The feeling people get after finishing a show and not quite knowing what to do with their lives anymore. Symptoms include wailing, crying, cursing, blank staring at walls, and depression.
Fan 1#: Urgh....
Fan 2#: Are you okay?
Fan 1#: I just watched all eight seasons of Supernatural yesterday and I don't know what to do with my life anymore.
Fan 2#: Oh. Netflix Hangover, right?
Fan 1#: Muurrrrrp.

Netflix hangover

When you stay up till 5am watching netflix shows
-Hey you look tired

-Yea I have a Netflix hangover

Netflix hangover

Netflix hangover. I feeling after bingeing season after season, movie after movie on Netflix. Generally left feeling sad, helpless, lost and tired.

Cure: Look out the window, take in surroundings, turn Netflix back on.
I think I have Netflix hangover




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更新时间:2024/9/21 4:25:44