

俚语 babe in the woods

babe in the woods

A person who seemingly knows nothing about a situation/something.
'C'mon, don't give me that babe in the woods routine'

a babe in the woods

a defenseless person; a naive, young person
He's just a babe in the woods. He needs someone to protect him.

a babe in the woods

a person who is young, naivee, or lacks the needed experience to do well in a situation. This is usually said when the person is most likely to fail or struggle. People can gain experience or become jaded and lose this trait.
person one: hey did you see the new guy?
person two: yeah he said he was going to talk to HR about the soda machine!
person one: he is definatly a babe in the woods, he'll learn or get a new job.

A babe in the woods

Most often used as a metaphore meaning someone who is inexperienced, but can most definetly mean a very attractive woman that you find in the woods.
Ron: Dude, i was taking a stroll in the forest and i found a babe in the woods!

Rick: Are you serious??

Ron: Yeah man, i fucked the shit outta her!

a babe in the woods

a person who needs protection
he's a babe in the woods, he needs protection




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:20:07