(N)everending (i)ndestructible (c)harismatic (k)ing
The (N)everending (i)ndestructible (c)harismatic (k)ing (shortform N.I.C.K) is the unstoppable king of the void. His hunger will devour entire Universes and he won't be satisfied as long as he hasn't found his queen.
Person A: Oh no! It's N.I.C.K. we're all doomed!
Person B: Sit down and enjoy your last minutes...there is nothing we can do... the (N)everending (i)ndestructible (c)harismatic (k)ing will conquer this world too...
Person B: Sit down and enjoy your last minutes...there is nothing we can do... the (N)everending (i)ndestructible (c)harismatic (k)ing will conquer this world too...