

俚语 new age hippie

New-age Hippie

A combination of modern hippie and new-age ideals. Generally someone who loves nature and feels very strongly about protecting the environment. They're fans of meditation and yoga. They're very spiritual, often believing in crystal healing, chakras, natural medicine, etc. Many of these spiritual beliefs have origins in both Eastern and Indigenous religions, though you can be a new-age hippie of any or no religion. They are also advocates for human rights and non-violence.
"Why do you carry all these crystals with you?"
"Oh, they help with my anxiety and protect me from negative energy! I'm a bit of a new-age hippie."

new age hippie

Someone who knows nothing about the 60's or hippies in general, but likes to snap an elastic band around their head, wear tye-dye and act like they know what a hippie actually is. Oh, bytheway, Uggs are not hippie shoes, fuckheads.
Dude 1: Look at that hippie! She's hot!
Dude 2: Oh yeah! Wait... She's a new age hippie, gross.
Dude 1: I see the headband now. Right, gross.

new age retro hippie

An enemy in the SNES game EarthBound. This tree-hugging freak has 87HP and sometimes drops freakin' rulers. Th
Ness tried PSI Rockin' Omega!
Holy crap! 999HP damage to the New Age Retro Hippie!
Whoa, who knew it could hit that high?




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