Perjorative term for a casual listener of heavy metal music, who reveal their narrow taste in music through limited knowledge of the most talented bands in the genre. As used on the news boards.
Battle Of Mice calls it quits
Thursday, September 03, 2009
little_alex_fts - ...who????
Topher - Who is this???
theblackhole - if you are saying "who?" you really missed out.
prettymetal - newsonlyposters can rot in hell
Diabolical - Impending Doom is stoked!
Cannibal_Hannibal - Emmure should be on this
Thursday, September 03, 2009
little_alex_fts - ...who????
Topher - Who is this???
theblackhole - if you are saying "who?" you really missed out.
prettymetal - newsonlyposters can rot in hell
Diabolical - Impending Doom is stoked!
Cannibal_Hannibal - Emmure should be on this