New Years Cockswirl
An extraordinary sexual feat done on the Eve of New Years. A female is bent over, near the fireplace, in front of a bay window inside a two story home. A naked male climbs the roof of the property and secures a makeshift rope out of Christmas lights to a nearby tree. The New Years count down begins... 10....9....8...7...6...5...4..3..2.1. At exactly the strike of midnight, the male let's out a roar before obtaining a gargantuan sized boner, swings down towards the windows, breaks through the window with his erect penis, scrapes his cock against the nearby Christmas tree before igniting his pubes on fire, does a 360 can opener, and slams his cock into the woman's ass while thrusting at the same frequency as a hummingbird flapping its wings. First done by George Foreman, out of frustration, in 1974 when he lost his undefeated record to Muhammad Ali. Unfortunately, as of 2014, this sexual feat has been banned in 49 states. Leaving Little Rock, Arkansas the only legal place for this to be performed.
John: Hey Billy do you mind if Jenny and I stay at your place for a few months?
Billy: For a few months?! What the hell happened to your place?
John: Its burned down after I gave Jenny a New Years Cockswirl.
Billy: You know we live in Austin, Texas right? I'm calling the authorities.
Billy: For a few months?! What the hell happened to your place?
John: Its burned down after I gave Jenny a New Years Cockswirl.
Billy: You know we live in Austin, Texas right? I'm calling the authorities.