No Fucking Idea
The manager has NFI of the work that goes on around here...
no fucking idea. the person has no clue to the answer of the question.
<Typheus> Is Dark_Messenger's forum still in existence?
<Dark> nfi
<Dark> nfi
not fliping invited
"can i go to ur party"
"no your nfi"
"oh :("
"no your nfi"
"oh :("
also short for National Fatherhood Initiative, which is somewhat ironic.
Not Fucking Invited,
A statement, usually of discontent from one to another stipulating their distain at not having been offered the chance to come to a particular social occaision.
A statement, usually of discontent from one to another stipulating their distain at not having been offered the chance to come to a particular social occaision.
Geoff "gemmima's having her party next week, are you coming?"
Will " No mate, NFIed"
Will " No mate, NFIed"
Not Fucking Invited
"Are you going to Sam's party?"
"Hardly - NFI, mate"
"Hardly - NFI, mate"
Short for "No fucking idea." Originated as internet slang in trivia chatrooms.
Chatter #1: Who was the 19th President of the USA?
Chatter #2: nfi, dude.
Chatter #2: nfi, dude.