Ngaire is a sexy bitch who loves to chill with friends. She has blue eyes ranga hair and is usually short. Everybody loves to hang out with her as she is fun as.! She is awesomely awesome and is the greatest person ever. She is most likely Jesus.
"Omg Ngaire is Jesus"
Actually means "Silver fern" in Maori. Women named Ngaire tend to be amazing scone bakers, able to peel apples with amazing speed, and are super friendly and cuddly grandmas. Ngaires smell good. Like baking.
"My nan's name was Ngaire and she was awesome"
Ngaires are hot girls. You should definatly date them. They're very rare and special and will become an awesome girlfriend but Ngaires also don't like to be tied down or restricted
Ngaires the best girlfriend
Ngaire is a sexy bitch who loves to chill with friends. She has blue eyes ranga hair and is usually short. Everybody loves to hang out with her as she is fun as.! She is awesomely awesome and is the greatest person ever. She is most likely Jesus.
"Omg Ngaire is Jesus"
"Omg Ngaire is Jesus"
Ngaire Signal
Crazy, Sexy and loves to work with cats. Who lives on corn chips and "Deal Or No Deal". Not short, and not ranga, usually acts black. Will become a power ranger one day.
-She was being such a Ngaire Signal.
Crazy, Sexy and loves to work with cats. Who lives on corn chips and "Deal Or No Deal". Not short, and not ranga, usually acts black. Will become a power ranger one day.
-She was being such a Ngaire Signal.
Cats Ngaire Signal