

俚语 nice and crispy

Nice and Crispy

Nice and Crispy or can use Crispy alone

Used to describe a guy that is freshly trimmed, faded and lined up.

I've always used this term to describe my male clients that come in for fades when they're done.
I don't mind when Kris is scuffy, but damn! He looks so fine all nice and crispy!

He just came back from the barber all crispy and he be lookin good!

u got em squishy soft nice roundy palpable juicy crispy creamy toasty delightful pair of nourishing mommy milkers?

a pickup phrase that will have woman at your feet, seriously try it and see the results for urself
example 1.-
girl- hi
guy- "u got em squishy soft nice roundy palpable juicy crispy creamy toasty delightful pair of nourishing mommy milkers?"
girl: omg i wanna suck your cock 24/7

example2.- she´s got em squishy soft nice roundy palpable juicy crispy creamy toasty delightful pair of nourishing mommy milkers.

bruh nigga tf u mean by "should include the word being defined"?




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