

俚语 nickolitis


The word used to describe a man whose name is Nick and for many reasons is like a disease to you. He torments your mind, heart and soul because you once gave him all of those things out of love, when he loved you...you can no longer fall in love with another man, you can care deeply and even love someone else but you will never EVER feel the blissful joys of being IN LOVE.
After spending so many good years in a marriage with Nick , 8 years after our divorce I still have nickolitis.


A sexy beast, who gets distracted way too often. A very quiet person at first but when you get to know her she is very loud.

She also, talks with her hands and its very distracting. She is very hyper and energetic. She is a gorgeous girl and many guys tend to love her. This girl is not afraid to stand up for herself and will throw a punch if she has to. She also isn't afraid to speak her mind at anytime. If you meet this girl, then you will have the bestest friend ever that anybody could have or your worst enemy. Appreciate that you have her as a friend because she will be there for you in the worst of times.
Guy 1: did you see that sexy beast Nickole?

Guy 2: Hell yeahhhhh! she was fineeeee!


An amazing friend. She is sweet, kind, and thoughtful. She is crafty and she LOVES scrunchies... like A LOT. She has a dog named sparky. She is definitely someone you would want to be friends with. She is the cheese queen above all cheese queens. She likes Nutella on her toast.
"she has a dog named sparky?"
"It must be a Nickole"


She is a quiet person at first but once you get to know her she is very crazy and loud and hyper. She doesn't like fake people or annoying people. She is funny and not fake. She loves food and her family.
"That must be Nickole over there making noise."


The act of visiting someone's home and defecating in their toilet then leaving it there intentionally without flushing for the purpose of amusement.
Charlie came over last night and Nickol'd my house and then laughed about it all night.

That Charlie has one sick-o sense of humor.


A small penis person that likes to jerk of to furry, minecraft, midget porn, and likes to watch minecraft how to's. He acts like a retard. Also a pedophile
Pronounced: (autistic) or (retarded)
LOLOOL, Nickolous just asked me to HOCO... EWWWWWWW.... He took his pants off!!!! Hes raping me!!!

Will Nickols

See Freshers Shark;
A Freshers Shark/Will Nickols is an older student at university that hunts down young Freshers. Once they catch a fresher in their net there is no escaping. Extra care is spent with virgins and bar crawls to make sure the catch of the day is successful.
"Did you see Barry last night at the Freshers bar crawl, he pulled a Will Nickols"


"What happened to you last night Veronica?"
"Don't ask, I was Will Nickoled"




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