Nigga balls HD
Basically caught you in 4K
This hoe caught me watching Nigga balls HD
Big Black Nigga Balls HD
Nigga Balls HD comes from a video of a balding white man with a beard very exaggeratingly shouting out someone on Instagram named "big black nigga balls hd", followed by other Instagram accounts he shouts out in the same clip.
Alright Instagram it's shoutout time- to "big black nigga balls hd"....
Big Black Nigga Balls HD
Big Black Nigga Balls HD (BBNBHD), Comes from a video in which a balded man is giving instagram shoutouts.
What’s good instagram,It’s shoutout time!
To Big Black Nigga Balls HD
To Big Black Nigga Balls HD
Big Black Nigga Balls HD
This is a meme from approximately 2018-2019, where a balding, bearded white man says "Hey, Instagram. It's shout-out time - to big, black, nigga balls HD".
The account he shouted out was part of the Hood Irony/Ironic Meme Sphere.
The account he shouted out was part of the Hood Irony/Ironic Meme Sphere.
"What's your favorite instagram account?"
"Big Black Nigga Balls HD"
"Big Black Nigga Balls HD"
big black nigga balls hd
big black nigga balls hd
gang weed mlg for the niggas of connor lawrence so big black nigga balls hd is important!