

俚语 nigga cheese

nigga cheese

A fungus that grows on the blackman from being in the heat to long.
Damn i found some nigga cheese on the street, that shit was janky (see janky)

nigga cheese

Cheese that has grown a black/purple mould.
Shit, Steve just took a huge bite of that cheese and didn't realize it was NIGGA cheese! Disgusting!

Nigga Cheese

the new operating system in the Tesla vehicles
A: You heard about the new Nigga Cheese update?
B: Yeahh!

Nigga cheese

The inner crust of foreskin, othoer wise known as cream cheese
I ate my boys nigga cheese that he had been saving for me

Nigga Cheese

(Noun) Tostitos Salsa Con Queso medium
Hey, did you get any of that Nigga Cheese at Paul’s house the other night? It hit the spot!

Nigga Cheese

A phrase used to fill a void in any conversation seamlessly; or a general term to describe some nigga cheese shit
"Bro, guess what? What bro? IDK, Nigga Cheese."

Nigga Cheese

A specialized variety of government cheese (see government cheese).
I cannot wait to sink my teeth into a nice big hunk o' nigga cheese!




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