

俚语 nigga cracker

nigga cracker

A person who's one parent is black and the other one is white.
Mike is a nigga cracker cuz his moms white n his dadda black.

nigga cracker

A person who has a black parent and a white parent.
Albary is a nigga cracker cuz her mom is white n her dad is black.


Your homie who is a cracker, but he's such a brotha you call him a nigga.
yo that cracker is such a brotha. He is a nigga-ass-cracker.


its a new race.When your daddy's Black and your mom's white or the other way around you are a blk-nigga/white-cracker.
i have a friend named kiana alexion her dad's white and her mom's white so we call her blk-nigga/white-cracker.


A white person who tends to let slip the word nigga. Can be used for any ethnicity that looks white, as well as 50/50 blacks. In extreme cases the term cracker-nigger may be used, only if the white person uses the hard r.
"Man Tyler uses the N-word so much, what a cracker-nigga!" "Nah man, he used the hard r" "gahdamn, hes a cracker-Nigger then!




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