

俚语 nigga disease

Nigga disease

Instantly becomes stronger in human abilities. In order to get this disease you need to eat a lot of fried chicken and kook-aid and watermelon and be beat by your mom a lot. Black people are born with this disease.
The ___ has Nigga disease .
That’s a strong Nigga my Nigga

Nasty nigga disease

1) Is a man or woman, regardless of race or ethnicity, are basically psychopaths or sociopaths expressing criminal behavior and/or performs criminal acts, including sexually deviants one against their fellow humans. This people are EVIL and have authoritarian narcissistic personality disorder and some may suffer from delusions of grandeur.

Now the crazy leftists and the nwo/ NEW WORLD ORDER are encouraging and even rewarding this sick behavior and mixing it with cultural Marxism or intersectionality, so these people will most likely end up being an useful idiot socialist or communist with them having delusions power and conquest of destroying America or any first-world western country and KILLING any and all Conservatives, Libertarians, Classic Liberals or who they don't like or disagrees with them. Fortunately, for the rest of us, these most people lack the intelligence, common sense, the history & higher frequencies to see that they are the bad guys, thus they are easy to spot.

if they live DTLA, high-level marxists are rumored to have psychotronic weapon or total individual control technology & some maybe not even be human, think Childhood's end and invasion of body snatchers.

2) Just a person displaying criminal behavior; A sexually deviant; A disgusting person; A criminal.

Some of these ppl should be 86'd, they are not worth saving, they are the fallen & are damned.

3) A person having a STD or STI.
stay away from that commie, he's crazy...he has that nasty nigga disease.

bitch nigga disease

When one of yo niggas are being straight bitches.
Tyrone is doing bitch shit he’s got bitch nigga disease

Weird Nigga Disease (WND)

Weird Nigga Disease (WND) is a chronic disease that is treatable, yet uncurable. Symptoms include weirdness, itchy dick, and destiny to be a virgin.
“Damn, this nigga must have Weird Nigga Disease (WND).”

big nigga skin butthole disease

a nigga thats a butthole and he has a skin disease
big nigga skin butthole disease




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:17:29