

俚语 nigga fishing

nigga fishing

When you miss a fish and the person right next to you cast in the same spot as you just missed the fish
I just missed a fish you better not start nigga fishing me and cast in the same spot.

Nigga Fish

Niggafish is a rare species of fish found in the ocean. they thrive off stealing crackafish food by using violence. If you ever come across a nigga fish swim away quickly or lock your boat doors. Typically 12 inchers.
Person One: Did you see that nigga fish in the water?

Person Two: Yea I ran back to my boat and locked all the doors!

Nigga fish

Is when a mega faggot steals your joke
Benat martionin is a fat ass nigga fish

Nigga Fish

A spin on the word 'Nigga' as another way of referring to a close friend. Extensive use of the word 'Nigga' can lead to desensitization, which forces people to look for a new word to use, which is probably where the word 'Nigga Fish' originated. The use of 'Fish' is due to the word being used rarely in normal conversation, which makes it feel new.
'Yo wassup nigga fish!?'
'You nigga fish'

Nigga Fish

Person that is raised in the ghetto and often forgotten about. Just like a fish.
Hey man, look at that nigga fish over there. I bet his family completely forgot he was there.

hot nigga fish

The Hot nigga fish is the most remarkable fish found in the ocean. He is the only fish that is yet to be stuied and understanded because even scientists haven't figured out the birth or the estimated lifespan of this almighty creature. He posesses a large variety of miraculous abilities which include: Time and space warping/bending, gaining energy every energy source in existance by absorving particles that are emitted from this source and changing the internal molecular structure of objects. This being has yet not been observed using it's abilities, however the creature has been found only once in history and was immediately filmed. This rare clip was uploaded to youtube and has been watched by over 19 thousand people. The music under the clip was a bad quality version of hot nigga by Bobby scmurda, and that is where the "hot nigga" prefix came from.
Person 1 : Hey dude! Have you heard of the hot nigga fish?
Person 2: No what is it?
Person 1: Dude no way! He is the most superrior fish of all time!

Fish Nigga

A Bengali
Act fishy with a fish nigga and they'll show you how the business is run.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:36:48