nigga hours
The time of night when that nigga texts you "You up? I miss you."
He text me last week during the nigga hours.
Lonely nigga hours
Starts at 2:00 AM and ends on 4:15 AM for us lonely niggas with no gf or just basically feel alone in the world.
"I am an active member of Lonely nigga hours"
Sad nigga hours
The time of day, between 2am - 5am, that niggas (females + males included, or whatever the fuck you is) reflect on their mistakes and / or feelings, sometimes about someone or something hurtful. Your thoughts or feelings can usually keep you up, or sometimes you can just drift into being unhappy and remain that way until you get up.
"Man I've been up sad nigga hours all summer"
real nigga hours
The time in the day between 2:30 a.m. and 5 a.m.
What time is it Josie? Its real nigga hours
gay nigga hours
the time of day between 2:30 and 2:40 when it's sad nigga hours and you get too deep in your feelings you get too fruity. if you stay fruity after 2:40 u officially gay.
hey man, it's almost gay nigga hours u ready to cuddle and talk about our feelings?
Sad Nigga Hours
Sad Nigga Hours is an event that is held 24/7 if you are a truly depressed nigga. You get to reflect on your feelings and mistakes and just feel DEPRESSED.
Every hour is Sad Nigga Hours and if you dont agree fuck you
bored nigga hours
The hours from 4:00am to 6:00 am Local Time when an average nigga is bored as fuck. Not every man is awake at this time but if so he's 100% bored.
Yo it's 10 minutes until bored nigga hourswho's ready?