

俚语 nigga water


African water that has clearly been contaminated by multiple diseases
NIGGA WATER Quick ways to spot NIGGA WATER is just to look and see if the water is dirty.
NIGGA WATER is easy to catch but hard to spot with a blind eye, NIGGA WATER is usually drank by the natives and near by towns and community's in AFRICA since there are not many Sources of other types of Drinkable liquids usually around

Example on how to use in a sentence: GILBERT:Damn you really drinking that N I G G A W A T E R.

TYRONE:Yeah nigga this water tastes a salty, But its good

Nigga Water

Siera Mist or orange soda.
Man, that nigga doesn't drink coke, only that nigga water.

Nigga Water

Nigga water is also known as kool-aid but its a term used in a black house hold
Man that nigga water you made was delicious and nutritious....

Pussy Nigga Water Sex

An undefined phrase used to define every word, but also none. The universal term for life.
Wow, Im so thankful for Pussy Nigga Water Sex

Hey mom, im going to the store, did you want some Pussy Nigga Water Sex

Im sorry sir, you have stage 4 Pussy Nigga Water Sex

Nigga nipple water

Water from an African American man’s breasts, usually mixed with cocaine.
That nigga nipple water went hard, yo!
Daniel told me he had 68 liters of nigga nipple water in his fridge.
Nigga nipple water is fiyah, yo!

water nigga

Someone who drinks a lot of water and always keeps hydrated. As their name indicates, a water nigga's drink of choice is pure, clean, water, and they hold special disdain for carbonated drinks: those who drink large quantities of soda are dubbed "soda niggas" and shunned.

A water nigga can be identified by the water bottles they carry around.

Benefits of being a water nigga include improved concentration, greater stamina, and generally improved health.
- Did you see Joe over there, carrying that big 5 gallon jug of water?
- Yeah, he's a total water nigga. When he goes to pee he doesn't even need to flush because his piss is so clear from all the water he drinks.

Water nigga

Some one who is gangsta about drinking water
A water nigga gota stay hydrated




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