

俚语 nigger game

nigger games

1. Purposely wasting another person's time so as just to annoy them.
"Jim you know we got shit to do, why you gotta be playin' those nigger games?"

The Nigger Game

A game played on the television where you start on a low number channel and watch til you see an African- American, ape, monkey, Barack Obama, etc when you do you simpily change the channel up. Great game for parties and weddings
Hey lets get a group of people and play " The Nigger Game"

nigger game

A rhyming game that is to not to be played around members of the African American demographic.

The game is made to be played by 2 or more people and it involves the players taking turns saying words that rhyme with "nigger", "niggers", etc... until someone runs out of words to say and has to yell "NIGGER!" effectively losing the game.

1) To start a nigger game first someone has to do a nigger check.
2) Next a die is rolled to decide the playing order.
3) Starting with however was chosen to start, the game will proceed in a counterclockwise direction.
4) Each player has to say a new word that rhymes nigger.
5) The game continues until someone runs out of words to say, that person has to quickly yell "NIGGER!" before someone else has the chance to say "NIGGER NIGGER CHICKEN DINNER!" or else they have to buy everyone a chicken dinner (ideally KFC).
"Dude let's play a nigger game!"
"Ok I'll start, trig-"
"Woaw woaw stop! Bruh you need to do a nigger check first, I'm not looking to get my ass beat today."

Camden Nigger Game

A game where you and a group of friends play in the inner city or other unsafe place and take turns yelling the word "NIGGER!!!!" as loud as possible. The person who gets shot first wins. Rules may vary depending on whether beatings, stabbings, or lynchings count.
Person A: Hey, you play the Camden Nigger Game yesterday?
Person B: Yeah. Rob won but he's dead.

the gaming nigger

a youtuber that makes gaming videos and has started so in 2012,he has recently been under controversy for his rather stranger name
Have you watched The Gaming Nigger?I think his videos are funny.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:47:05