

俚语 nigger money

nigger money

This is what we call non existant money.
Fuck d00D I've got nigger money today!

nigger money

Food Stamps
Mailman - "gonna be a busy day out there delivering all this Nigger Money"

Nigger Money

noun. Money that is meant to be freely spent in an indiscriminate manner.
After Thomas Jefferson came back from the auction, he went to to bar and picked up his friends tabs with his nigger money.

Nigger Money

A pathetically miniscule stimulus payment of $600 for americans pushed and lobbyed by democrats, where as a substantial payment of $2000 is only given if non-citizens can receive it.
Joe bidan finally pushed the miniscule stimulus payment package, backed with billions of tax cuts for the rich, too bad were real home born american citizens and not wetbacks or it would have been more, I guess we should be happy with our Nigger Money.

Nigger Money

Nigger Money is any paper denomination of currency that has been balled up, stained, torn, crumpled up, and/or all of the above. In the USA this is normally found in the form of $1, $5 and occasionally $10 bills. They are most often in the possession of niggers, white trash, trailer trash, illegals, and scumbags. Rarely seen in $20, $50 and $100 bill forms due to the fact that none of the above have JOBS.

Also as "Jungle Bunny Money"
A trip to the beer distributor:

Nigger: Need some Colt 45 and some Old English 40s dawg

Cashier: That will be $29.50

(Nigger: Throw $1's and $5's of Nigger Money on the counter)
(Cashier: Damn it, what a mess. Now I have to unfold this stinky shit and count it out. Stupid Nigger Money, Fuck my life.)




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:45:36