

俚语 baby fishing

Baby Fishing

When you take a piece of nerds rope and insert it into a pregnant womans vagina and fish out the unborn baby (prematurely) and eat the fetus for your own pleasure. The baby WILL latch on
"i was so hungry and craving a christopher reeves fix and just had to go baby fishing"
"dude, i would have done the same thing"

Baby fishing

Baby fishing occurs , when a woman is on her period. During this time, she goes to the bathroom, and takes a massive shit, which clogs the toilet and her period coloured urine will be mixed with toilet water, thus creating the “pond”. After this, a man goes to the same toilet and puts his penis in the “pond”. This is called baby fishing.
Person A to person B: What’ are you doing this weekend?
Person B: My girfriend is on her period, so I tought I’d do some baby fishing. Wanna come?
Person A: yeah, sure! We should also bring beer!

Baby Fish Mouth

Used to describe when a Girl has a set of those puckered up lips and it looks like they are too small to give any head.
Damn! That girl you were talking to was fine but it looks like she's got the Baby fish mouth.

Anti-Christ Fish Baby

An Anti-Christ Fish Baby is a satanic child, half human, half fish that worships the devil and will grow up to do his bidding.
Ya mother gave birth to an Anti-Christ Fish Baby and it's doing things for Satan

Baby fish

Fish shaped marshmallow covered with chocolate.
Him “What is your favourite candy”
Her “ it’s baby fish”




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