

俚语 508


The tragic kingdom... Massachusetts


An area code for eastern Massachusetts
yo my area code is 508


1. The Corner Penthouse in the Midrise dormitory at Marist College.

2. The home of 8 (7 +1 RA) totally different girls that are obsessed with:
-Grey's Anatomy
-Christmas Decorations
-Spicy Cheez-Its
-Akward Robotic Movement
Let's party like 508!


This is the office-speak name for a bathroom violation. Specifically, this is what happens when a person in a wheelchair has to wait outside of a handicapped stall while some able-bodied person is in the stall taking a RayBurr. So named because thanks to Federal Section 508 of some law, all computer programs have to be written to handicapped people can use them without a mouse.
Yo dood, there's a 508 in progress in the bathroom!


for those in the boston massuchusets area.508 refers to the area code outside the city. usually used a degrading term to reference people or things.
That chick rolled up to the club lookin all 508 with here pegged pants and leather tassled biker jacket.

The 508

Area code for Southeastern Massachusetts, including Fall River, New Bedford, Freetown, Lakeville, et cetera.
Steve: Where are you from?
Bill: The 508, bro.
Steve: Lucky!

1337 508

a 1337 speak term meaning "leet sob" or leet son of a bitch
Wow that 1337 508 just pwned me!




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