

俚语 nigligence


a racial slur of sorts, typically referring to a black person being negligent.
"Lamar lives in the Ghetto. Lamar is black. Lamar left the car in neutral, and it rolled down the hill, killing two people, injuring seven, and taking out a fire hydrant. Lamar is showing nigligence."


When a black man has sex but doesn't wear a condom (pretty much all the time). This leads to accidental pregnancy.
Tyrone: I tapped Latoya 'bout a month ago & now the bit's sayin' she's pregnant.
DeAndre: Did you wear a glove?
Tyrone: Hell no! The glove don't fit!
DeAndre: That's some mad nigligence, yo.


An alternative to the word negligent to refer to one acting like a nigger or commiting niggerish acts.
Why did you steal that kids bike? That was pretty nigligent of you.


when one is playing into the stereotype of being black
Stop being nigligent and pay your child support!

nigligent discharge

A black on black shooting.
Tyrone suffered from a nigligent discharge and died after stealing Trayvons watermellon flavored jolly ranchers.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:57:36