Nig Sunday
“Nig Sunday” is a religious holiday which takes place on every Sunday throughout the year. The religion focuses on being extremely lazy and living a stress-free life style on the first (new) day of each week. On this day only one single rule stands, which states, “One must complete an activity, which may involve the usage of marijuana.” This single activity may include, but is not limited to, time and/or space travel, adventures involving hiking, and watching NFL (not including preseason) games.
Graner: What up Zehn?
Zehn: Chillin man, it’s Nig Sunday.
Graner: Word, you tryna go hike the waterfall?
Zehn: Hell yea, lets roll a fat L up?
Graner: Already got it, lets peace!
Zehn: Chillin man, it’s Nig Sunday.
Graner: Word, you tryna go hike the waterfall?
Zehn: Hell yea, lets roll a fat L up?
Graner: Already got it, lets peace!