

俚语 nikking


Mixing Pulihora, Nik's Talent, Mischief, Bhayyapyazdalo,
Happy Nikking. look this guy is Nikking. Nikking for every. pulihora is Nikking


Knocking on random peoples doors and quickly ditching before they come, just to piss them off.
"Hey im going nikking wanna come?"

Nik Nik

Crazy outrageous squirrel that always knows how to be stupid but smart really really smart at the same time. Nik Nik's are good with sticks.
Hey look! A Nik Nik, Man it is everywhere.


to have sex ; fuck
"Are you ready for nik-nik?"


one who would be described as utterly amazing in every way. a person who will make you feel like you're worth a million bucks just by taking you to McDonalds or a book store. Nik is as chill as a cucumber, dependable, & never runs out of things to talk about. he knows countless beaches that most people don't even know of & is the best guy you will ever meet.
Boyfriend: Baby, why you actin' like that?
Girlfriend: You don't treat me right. I deserve better.
Boyfriend: So what, you're gonna go find yourself a Nik?
Girlfriend: Damn right.


Nik will never let anyone be rude to his girlfriend and her friends. He is very kind and likes to help others. He is very sexy and attractive. He will make your life 817272910181 times better. He is funny and super smart.
Joe: You want to ho outside?
Mary: yeah, because there is a nik


Nik is Gods gift to the world. He is simply perfect. Nik can pick up anything and be amazing at it. Nik knows how to sweet talk anybody in to doing anything, everybody loves Nik. Most girls are attracted to Nik, and once they get a little taste of him they can't go away and want more and more of him. Nik can make anybody's life 274438257 times better. People who don't like Nik, are simply jealous because they aren't him. In one word: sexy.
Did you see the Red Sox game last night? The pitcher threw a Nik game.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:51:42