

俚语 ninja chores

ninja chores

Doing your chores last minute and quickly like a ninja before either one or both of your parents arrive home. Or to pretend that you did your chores when they left to go out but instead you decided to hold it off and be lazy till you had no choice but be quick like a ninja to finish off them chores and thats why its called ninja chores.
A conversation through text message.

Person 1:Hey, whats up? can i come over to hang?
Person 2:Hey, umm..prolly in an hour is fine.
Person 1:Okay dude. What are you up too now?
Person 2:Um...my parents will be home in 15 minutes so i gotta do ninja chores so they'll see i finished my chores and so you could come over.
Person 1:Haha, ninja chores awesome!
Person 2:Lols, yeah i ttyl gotta gett um done laters!




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