

俚语 nintendo'd it

Nintendo'd it

To completely fuck up by not bringing enough of a thing.

What happened with the NES Mini and SNES Mini.
MARY: Oh Janet did you bring sandwiches?
JANET: I Nintendo'd it


A situation in which a video game (usually produced by Nintendo) leaves you in a state of being unable to survive, complete a level, or interact with the game, usually resulting from a bug in the game's software. This state is known for being most common in old NES games, such as Super Mario Bros. 2 and Metroid.
When I jumped into that wall in Super Mario, I got Nintendo'd because I couldn't get out of it and had to restart the game.


When you receive a cease and desist order or DMCA takedown request from a large company over creation of a fan project, despite it being under fair use. The term was coined by YouTuber Cr1TiKaL when he referred to Nintendo, a video game company that is notoriously overprotective of their intellectual properties.
I got Nintendo'd when my Mario fangame was taken down.


A phrase used to describe a jumble of cords. Wires that are nintendo'd are all tangled up into a single mass on the ground, and can usually take a long time to unravel. The phrase comes from the original Nintendo Entertainment System's wires, and how they always seemed to get intertwined with each other.
After Jeff's garage band was done practicing, his guitar seemed to always get nintendo'd with Rick's bass.


Nintendo'd is the act of recieving a cease and desist letter from a company
Jill: "Dude, did you hear that that one popular Video Game torunament got Nintendo'd?"
Dana: "Yeah, it's completely stupid. They must really hate their community."


Getting sued by Nintendo or getting a cease and desist
"Damn i really liked that mario fangame. sadly it got nintendo'd"


Alternative to being cease and desist'd
"The smash tournament got Nintendo'd for using a 3rd party mod and emulation"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:28:17