

俚语 nintendo revolution

nintendo revolution

now called the wii
the nintendo revolution is now called the Wii.

do you really want to call the cops? or should i get naked and start the (nintendo) revolution

nintendo revolution

New game console from nintendo that:

1) has re-defined backwards compatibility, because you can play GC games, and download ANY nintendo games from the past 20 years onto it.

2) didn't have any games shown at e3... or for that matter, what it can do, graphics wise.

3) will have wi-fi internet and system link, and will have Super smash brothers online.
Nintendo revoultion sounds like a good console, but it would have been nice to see some footage instead of a model.

nintendo revolution

The next generation of the Nintendo gaming console that is currently in development. Not much is known about this system, -though Nintendo said that this next console will be focusing more on gaming innovation (like they did with Nintendo DS) than game hardware, although still remain true to new technology in graphics and gameplay. They also said that Nintendo Revolution will not quite be a game console, because it will be able to hook up to a computer screen/computer, reason: unknown. Nintendo is also interested in making innovative items that make gameplay more funner and deliver new ideas, like Sony did with their eye toy. It is slated to be released competitevely with the so called PS3 (working title), and Microsoft Xbox2 (working title), at the end of 2005/early 2006.
Nintendo Quote
"What we need is not a next-generation machine but a next-generation way of playing games. We need to propose a new idea so that the game industry can overcome its current crisis."

That crisis being is that the gaming industry can no long rely on stunning the audience with sophisicated visuals.

nintendo revolution

The codename for Nintendo's next system, to be revealed at E3 '05. Said to revolutionize gaming and is rumored to lack a D-Pad and A/B buttons.
I'm going to EBGames to pick up a Nintendo Revolution.

nintendo revolution

Ninty's next console.

Apparently Nintendo considers the ability to play old 2D games "revolutionary".
Are you going to buy a Nintendo Revolution?

Nah, I already have a SNES.

nintendo revolution

a wii that is the most over rated 250 doller, plastic impulse buy. it just has 1 good 3rd party game and this is a definition that is made in 2009 not pre realease hype
damnit this has no games. stupid nintendo revolution

nintendo revolution

the new (supposedly) gaming system for nintendo which i hate! (*.*)


go ps3!!
go xenon
NOOB:are u going to get the nintendo revoution?

me: dude no im going to play runescape!
then play my ps3!!!!




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