

俚语 baby oven

baby oven

The part of a female in which a fetus grows.
She's carrying my baby boy in her baby oven.

easy bake baby oven

A hetero sexual women who carries and delivers a baby for homosexual male friends, or relatives, with out financial compensation.
Megan is going to be James and I's easy bake baby oven. Who say's gays shouldn't have kids?

easy bake baby oven

prostitute / concubine
Yo dude, you heard about that chic?

Yeah man, tons of people use her as an easy bake baby oven.

Baby Dutch Oven

The baby or toddler version of a Dutch Oven in which said toddler releases a large amount of gas inside of sealed footie pajamas to wait for the unsuspecting victim (i.e. parent or babysitter) This is typically followed up by an evil grin from the child knowing someone has fallen prey.
"Tommy needs changed, can you take care of that?" *unzip* "Oh man! Baby Dutch Oven."

oven baby

A derogatory term for Jews.
Look at that oven baby crying about the holocaust.

Dutch oven baby

When you go to give a Dutch oven but accidently shit the bed and the turds would be referred to as Dutch oven babies.
Last night i went to Dutch oven my girlfriend and instead gave her a Dutch oven baby.

Baby Oven

A baby stove is a small stove that just came out of the oven. You usually call someone a baby oven if they are a newborn
Wow that is such a baby oven!




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