

俚语 niquer


French verb for Fuck

It has the same double meaning as in English:

- To have sex with someone
- To destroy something through vandalism
J'ai envie de niquer cette sale pute - I feel like fucking that dirty bitch

Ce connard a niqué ma bagnole - This motherfucker fucked my car


French word .
It means to fuck someone , or beat up someone
(Note : sometimes spelled "Niker")
Ce mec c'est fait niquer ! ( This guy got fucking beaten up!)
Thomas a niqué Emma hier soir (Thomas fucked Emma last night)

Va Niquer Ta Mère

One of the most offensive French insults. Literally meaning: "Go Fuck your Mother".
One doesn't have to know the person's mother or hold any grief against her to deliver the insult.
Presumably what Materazzi told Zidane before receiving a well-deserved head-butt during 2006's FIFA world cup.
Sale Batard, va niquer ta mère. (Dirty Bastard, go fuck your mother).

Niquer ta mère

French for I fucked your mum, used in passive/aggressive conversation.
Je va niquer ta mère.
(I will fuck your mum)

Niquer ta mère

French for i fucked your mum.
Je va niquer ta mère

(I will fuck your mum)




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