In a cellular automaton, a nixel represents a value on a regular grid in n-dimensional space.
The word nixel originated analogously to the word "pixel", with n representing "n-dimension" (instead of pixel's "picture") and el representing "element". A nixel can represent an element in any dimension. A 2-nixel is a pixel, a 3-nixel is a voxel, a 4-nixel is a hypervoxel, and so on.
The word nixel originated analogously to the word "pixel", with n representing "n-dimension" (instead of pixel's "picture") and el representing "element". A nixel can represent an element in any dimension. A 2-nixel is a pixel, a 3-nixel is a voxel, a 4-nixel is a hypervoxel, and so on.
When writing a computer program, a four-dimensional array was used to encode the characteristics of each 4-nixel.
Finding a Nixel is like finding a four-leaf clover; rare. Trustworthy, loyal, funny, best friend material. Put in this world to love, not be loved. Broken inside.
Hey, here comes Nixel! Sup, dude.