

俚语 no boost

no boost

a term you use when you want to ensure you are telling the truth. to not be lying.
"How do I look?"
"No boost you actually don't look that bad."
"Damn, thanks. I haven't showered in three days so that's surprising."

no boost

no boost
no boost

The boost

Someone who is ‘The boost’ is the life of the party. They always give out positive energy and make everything more fun and exciting. Everybody loves to be around them. Being called ‘The boost’ is a huge compliment.
Did you see Marcus at the party last night? He really is the boost


In competitive gaming, namely League of Legends, a word describing a player who has had a player log into his or her account and raised the rank of the account.
All xriven master 69x (Riven): this adc is fucking boosted


To steal retail items and resell them on the black market.
Women/Men selling knockoff purses in the street are boosting.


Louisiana Slang

To hype something and make it more than what it really is.
See he boosting bad, it’s not even that serious.


To boost
Boostes: That player boostes my squad!

Past tense: boostesed: He boostesed my squad!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:13:55