

俚语 no chat

No Chat

When someone attempts to speak towards a person to try and pull them but instead gets turned away due to not saying the right things, hence "No Chat".
Kieran has No Chat since he got turned away by a girl who then got with another guy who actually Had Chat

chat chat

Jamican way of saying "talking rubbish"
delroy- man been too much chat chat down here about meh

The Chats

An obnoxious gang of Australian musicians that churn up the waters with their extremely Aussie music. These guys really are something. Somehow they manage to make some true headbangers, yet gain absolutely zero respect from their fans.
person: hey, what's australia like?
me: *sends link to a song by The Chats*


When someone's talking shit, lying or just waffling uno
"Nahhh don't believe him he's just chatting"


The word orignated in Sydney years ago around the North Shore and seems to have spread Australia wide in a matter of years. There is a suburb named Chatswood in Sydney, the word was first used by a small group of individuals from the North Shore who had a disliking for a group of individuals from Chatswood. So if you were trying to offend your Shorey mate, you would call him Chat, or if you saw something shit, ugly etc, you would call it chat.
*Friend tells lame joke*
"That was chat"


The definition of chat or to be chatting would be 1. To be talking out the side of your neck 2. Pretending, or fronting 3. To be a chatterbox, one who talks a lot. This word is commonly found in New York.
Jordyn “ does Chris really wanna fight, bc he’s big talk ?”.
James “ nada you know him, he stay beastin’ he’s just chatting”
Eric “ Yooo Carter does Kelli really wanna fw me ?”
Carter “ Nah she’s just chatting for clout!”.
Eric “ I knew that skeesh was buggin, she a broad anyways, that’s bodied!”.


The Australian term for "ugly" or "disgusting" often used in schools and university it is a largely known slang word to Australian students.
Man that shit stain is chat




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:46:06