

俚语 bacatize


v. When an individual makes more work for the rest of the group by creating a problem but never providing a solution.
Since they're gonna fire me I'm gonna bacatize them

I spent 3 hours redoing the project work because that douche bacatized us.

I'm kaesing this place and bacatizing all their gear.

Guy 1: I'm fucking over all this broken shit!
Guy 2: That sore feeling in your ass hole means you've been Bacatized.
Guy1:I thought I needed to see a doctor because that symptom has been persisting for 5 weeks now"


Variant of the word vacation, combination of the word bacon and vacation.
My brain took a bacation


1) A vacation where one gets extremely sunburnt.

2) A vacation where one gets extremely baked (not necesarily from the sun).
"Man, the sun was really strong in Jamaica. Turned out to be a great bacation...in more ways than one"


(bay-kayshon) n.

A vacation time where you eat bacon every day.

Usually, this results from eating at restaurants for breakfast every day because you aren't home.

Epic bacations happen when you stay-cate and buy one of those enormous packs of bacon, and toss the sinful meat in every meal.

Bacations are awesome because you cast aside your usual guilt about eating so much bacon because of its evil nutritional properties.
A: Hey, whaddid you do for spring-break?
B: Nothin'; chilled at home and had an awesome bacation.


When on takes the important/unimportant time out of their day to read the Bacon Blogs on Urban Dictionary.
I was tired of doing real work, so I took a bacation for some good laughs.
Dude, I was taking a bacation and I found this incredible genius term- bacon love - look it up!
I was bacationing and found out I'm a bit bacon and nails more often than one should be.
After all this bacationing, I found a deep desire to earn the Bacon Beard with a Bacon Banjo, Bacon Nipple, and cause a bacon loop.




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