

俚语 nonsten's


A group that tries to disprove the relationship between Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart by claiming they believe they are just friends or a PR couple. They don't use facts, truth or logic in their reasoning. They just refuse to accept because of their dislike of the pairing. Usually due to their obsession of Robert Pattinson and jealousy of Kristen Stewart.
I kiss, hug, and visit my guy friends in other countries ALL THE TIME! Doesn't make us a couple! -Nonsten

Robert Pattinson is the most genuine, real, awesome, down to Earth person in Hollywood. He was just seen with Kristen Stewart this morning? Must be PR! -Nonsten


A pathetic 10 year old girl, or middle aged woman, who fails to accept that Robert Pattinson is dating Kristen Stewart.

They also believe one day, they will fuck Robert Pattinson.
They're not kissing in the photo, they fell and tripped into each others mouths" - Nonsten


Snarky, sarcastic, clever people that don't take rumor at face value. Misunderstood by lower intelligence fanatics, especially Twihard Robsten shippers.
You're just mad because a nonsten proved you wrong. It's obviously a manipulation - next time use your brain.


Nonsten's are a group of rational thinking people who are the opposite of Robsten's. Nonsten's do not project their Edward and Bella fantasy's, from the Twilight series, onto the two leading actors of the series, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. Nonsten's do not obsesses over wanting Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart to date nor do they care if they ever do or do not date. Nonsten's also do not criticise, attack or harass other people for not believing the same way they do.
Stop obsessing over Robert and Kristen dating-Nonsten
Robert and Kristen are not Edward and Bella-Nonsten




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:40:25