

俚语 noob farming

Noob Farming

Entering a server or gaming area as an expert, knowing that the server or gaming area is populated completely of noobs, then pwning them all just so you can get a high score.

(Created specifically for first person shooters where the player enters a server populated with other players and a specific mapset or something that makes it unique)
"Dude, i was playing in this noob only server last nite"

"Aren't you in the top ten worldwide?"

"Yeah, i was just doin' some noob farming"

noob school farm

when a noob is schooled at a game who just levels or farms ( grinds) games. Or in shoot em up he just farms kills and wont die
player: wtf i just died?
player (who killed him) you died to my epic noob school farm
got schooled son!
player: ahh s^*t




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