

俚语 noodies


The opposite of a Chad - typically in reference to a low testosterone, effeminate beta male with dyed hair and/or feminine accessories. Can also be used as a descriptor for the 'Incel' - another type of beta male often characterized by their poor hygiene (and appearance), misogyny, misanthropy, and mental illness. The word itself, 'Noody', is a variation of the English word 'Noddy', a stupid person or individual.
Guy 1: "Hey, did you see that pink-haired incel try hitting on that girl?"

Guy 2: "That was a guy? It looked like a woman with bad teeth to me."

Guy 1: "I know, right? What a Noody!"


Another name for a crew neck sweatshirt.

Name Originally came from Prospect High School when head Cross County coach coined the term "noodie" when selling crew neck sweatshirts every Fall & Spring. Later this term became popular when head writer of Glee ( a Prospect High School alumni) used this word during the show Glee.
Hey Coach can I get a XC noodie?
Sure that'll be $25


A sweatshirt without a hood. A hoodie without a hood.
Nice noodie!


What dumb girls in Zeeland call hoodless sweatshirts. Rather than just saying sweatshirt so they look cool.
"Hey cool noodie, where did your mom get it Kmart?"


A sweatshirt without a hood. no hoodie = noodie. also called a sweater by the old people.
Damn gurl that's one nice college noodie you're wearing, can i get yo numba?


Two or more persons who are nood is some form.
Noodies 2 or more naked pictures/people.


A sweatshirt without a hood. Often called a nood.
Broseph, so I was chillin' yesterday, just staring at my sick flow, and I remembered that I forgot my noodie at school.




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