

俚语 norking


Norking is the ancient art of not really working while giving the illusion that one is productive. Norkers, or experts in the field, meet regularly to refine this skill - and are covetous about acquiring new techniques (rarely shared of course.)

You can instantly spot a norker in the crowd. They tend to be giddy happy - and rarely talk work!
In at 10:15 today. My daughters have a two hour delay this morning. I'll be in after taking them to school. Just finished the last breakfast and now norking from home until then.


Norking usually involes cream buns or some type of bagel connected with paste. To nork is simply the sound one makes when munching happily on a pastry filled with jelly/fruits/ or often, love. Used in its verb form "to nork" means to swip quickly at the pastry's creme-filled center. So it is possible to use it in a sentence as follows:

"Well, I was making alot of norking sounds when I heard my friend asking if I was eating his cream bun and I quickly norked the cream dripping from the edges of his bagel before he saw me."
"Nork nork nork..."
"What are you doing?"
"I'm eating a canole."


Breasts. Australian slang. Derived from the prominent udders on the cow used to advertise Norco, New South Wales' North Coast Dairy Co-Operative.
Crikey! Check out the norks on that shiela!


A furious bout of anal sex, often without lube.
I'd rather leak santorum for a week than have a nork.


to hook up with an out of towner.
i heard that girl got norked last night at that party by that gymnast kid


Boobies, breasticles, breasts, tits, puppies, gazongas, babylons, call them what you will, and I personally have a great pair.

Should have renamed 'em years ago as NORKS!

"Check out the norks on her!"

"Scuse me love, you've got a great pair of norks!"


of or pertaining to North Korea or its inhabitants.
a native or inhabitant of North Korea.
Dude! I think that Nork guy's getting in a fight!




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