Northanios are originated from Cali where two farmers who went to jail and and decided to have beef with other Mexican gang suranios and started moving out of prisons and jails to the streets of las Angeles where they would spread all around the world but most popular in Yakima Washington where if you bang over the age of 30 you are most likley in jail or a crackhead it is most dangerous here because both gangs have kids who are to scared to fight so they shoot first before you have a chance to talk and the northenios began killing each other around Washington either way it would be better to stay away from both gangs rather than get killed at a very young age or spend the rest of your life in prison or become a junky .
If you hear these somebody is in trouble
Look at that SCRAP over there(suranios)
Look theres a CHAP right there(nortenios)
Suranios wear blue
Nortenios wear red
Look at that SCRAP over there(suranios)
Look theres a CHAP right there(nortenios)
Suranios wear blue
Nortenios wear red