North American River Chicken
A white parasitic bird that supposedly originated by the sea but is now more commonly found roosting at McDonald's awaiting a discarded french fry or clamoring with its pals in a Taco Bell dumpster; a 'seagull'.
While widely regarded as harmless, these birds are known to be dangerous and attack unsuspecting fast food chain customers in large groups known as "militias".
While widely regarded as harmless, these birds are known to be dangerous and attack unsuspecting fast food chain customers in large groups known as "militias".
Carla: Yeah, lemme get a #4 Biggie-sized, a #2 --fuck!
Drive Thru Boy: ...Ma'am?
Carla: Goddamn North American River Chickens just crapped all over my car!
911 Operator: Sir, what seems to be the problem?
Raould: The fucking North American River Chicken Militia just jumped my ass at the drive thru! Yeah, take the goddamn ketchup packets too you free-loading bastards!
Drive Thru Boy: ...Ma'am?
Carla: Goddamn North American River Chickens just crapped all over my car!
911 Operator: Sir, what seems to be the problem?
Raould: The fucking North American River Chicken Militia just jumped my ass at the drive thru! Yeah, take the goddamn ketchup packets too you free-loading bastards!