

俚语 notbaltic


NotBaltic is a 15-year-old transgender girl living in Vietnam, she is kind, friendly, and kindhearted :)
She is in multiple discord servers including:
-Chess Simp's server
-Official Countryballs.net server
and others.
She was known for playing pixelplace.io, however nowadays doesn't like it as much.
She today plays chess, (we got proof of her playing Minecraft) and more.
"hey, did you know who NotBaltic is?"
"yeah I did"
"oh okay."


NotBaltic is that plays the funny pixel game (pixelplace.io) She is known for being a very nice, small, kindhearted and above all cute vietnamese girl and for making ROUM
"Hey man, did you know that TheMoon cant think of anything to put here?"
"Being creative is hard"




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更新时间:2024/12/31 23:38:45