

俚语 not benny

Not Benny

During the Falkland war the English troops nicknamed the members of the local population 'Bennys' after a character from the English soap Crossroads, famous for his wooly hat and limited intelligence.
This was considered politically uncorrect and the solders were ordered to stop and that the population were not Bennys.
Henceforth the Falkland Islanders were refered to by the solders as 'Not Bennys'
Hey, corperal ask that Not Benny the way to Goose Green.

benny benny

To make out with and grope your significant other in front of a group of friends. The event is concluded when the man asks to take home half of the food despite only bringing cheese and crackers.
"Did you hear what Jack did the other night?"
"No, what did he do?"
"He pulled a benny benny"

The Benni

From the viral song and music video "Friday" by Rebecca Black - remember the girl in pink who sits to the right of Rebecca in the car and dances awkwardly? She does a dance with her arms that looks like she is playing an accordion. This dance is called "The Benni".
Everybody do The Benni!


Being abducted by attending Vascular Surgeon, after 5pm, to make unsolicited evening rounds, to keep him/her company. Especially when walking out the door to go home.
I was stepping onto the six o'clock jitney home when I was bennied and did not end up leaving the hospital until 9pm.


Greatness in every sense of the word. Used to describe men,somebody that is Benni is adored by females the world over, and worshipped by aspiring young guitarists all over the planet. If u r Benni, u r the MAN!
I love u so much. u r Benni.

the benny

a dark and powerful mythical force that can only be summoned by a ancient blood ritual and offering of plebs in world of warcraft
stranger 1:hey have you ever heard the urban legend of the benny ?
stranger 2: whos the benny ?
stranger1:cant sleep the benny will get me

a benny

A One Hundred dollar bill.
It'll cost you a benny.




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